

On Air Talent | Sales Assistant

Ph: 530-587-9999
E: tarrin@truckeetahoeradio.com 

Weekday Afternoon Show
Monday-Friday: 2p-5p

About Tarrin

Tarrin started her radio journey in 2002 in Worcester, Massachusetts.  Her attitude is definitely from New England, but her heart is on the west coast!  With roots and family on both coasts, you may see her wearing Red Sox, Celtics or Raiders gear.

A passion for music started at a very young age – first crush was Shawn Cassidy and first album she memorized was Meatloaf, Bat Out Of Hell (the original, not to be confused with comeback!).  Her parents brought her to her first concert when she was 8 – Barry Manilow…yes she admits that!!  The love of live shows was ingrained inside her forevermore…even making her poor dad take her to Poison in 1987…poor guy!!  Hundreds of concerts later and sticking with radio in Mass. and Reno has been thrilling.  She loves the outdoors and her only child…a pug/shar pei mix named Lucy.  She first came to Northern Nevada in 1993 and fell in love with Truckee – actually working with Renegade Productions for a lot of shows in the area.  She’s thrilled to become a part of this community again!

Thanks, Truckee Tahoe Radio!!!